Before the wedding
Marriage is not just a female affair. Do not load the bride with all the preparations, and do not expect her to cope alone with everything. Your help is very important to get things organized for the big day.
6 months before the wedding day, consider with your parents who you want to invite and prepare a list. Start slowly looking for a florist, a dj (or band)and a photographer. These specific professionals need great consideration and time in advance for bookings, and you will need to make sure about their experience.
Discuss your honeymoons with your wife-to-be, and try to arrange to visit a place you both like.
2-3 months before the wedding, make your final decisions (always in consultation with the bride) about the guest list, and buy your wedding rings.
Start your search for a suit and shoes. Start pampering yourself (you will want to look your best at your wedding) and start exercising.
1 month before the wedding you should have dealt with most of the details concerning the wedding and have already found a suit to wear.
1 week before the wedding, is time for final suit rehearsals, and also organize your bachelor party.
On the wedding day, do not deal with something that will tire you or stress you and especially do not drink alcohol. Stay home, with family and friends, unwind and mentally prepare for what awaits you. Good luck.