Videotaping – fotografering

Hochzeit in Chania, Organisation der Hochzeit

The best moment of your life should be reflected in photographs and on video/DVD allowing you to see and relive the moment anytime you want to and to be able to show relatives, friends, your children and even your grandchildren later on. Both photos and the DVD of your wedding will certainly be costly, but overall it will be worth it. Usually the price for both ranges from 800 to 3000 euros, but don’t think of the cost. Make it a must that you have a wedding album of your wedding photos but also a short film encompasses all of your wedding and the memories of a beautiful, sacred and romantic time in your life that was shared with relatives, acquaintances and friends.

Before choosing a photographer and cameraman do a quick search on the market. Make sure both are professionals as to guarantee a good job. Ask your friends and acquaintances if they have used the services of any good photographers and cameramen whose work they were satisfied with. Ask to see previous jobs and pay attention to the budget packages that will be offered to you.

Do not just have pictures taken from the wedding ceremony and celebration. sure you also have photos of the “bed-making “ceremony and the wedding day preparation of the bride and groom, the journey and arrival at the church.

(This of course depends on how much money you want to spend).

It is important to know in advance how many and what kind of photos the photographer will take, whether there will be some in black and white or if all will be in color, when the wedding album will be ready and how much all of this will cost. Also take a look at the photographers style and ask if only classical shots will be taken or if their will be more spontaneous and casual shots taken.

Ask that of the photographer shoot all the various moments of your marriage as sometimes the spontaneous shots tend to be more beautiful and humorous. What seems to be the norm is the formal photos of the bride and groom with their immediate families are taken outside of the church after the ceremony with the best man and his family. If you are planning on getting married on an island, you will most certainly have some exceptional and beautiful photos with the sea or nature in the background of sea. Make the most of the beautiful scenery offered its much preferred to a photographers studio!

However the cameraman is the one that will capture the wedding in all its glory and in detail. Ask if the cameraman can add sound and visual effects, the result is certainly worthwhile.

Ask course, if aerial shots of the wedding can be taken marriages (if you can afford this), this is a very original and not mainstream and traditional.

Please note however that both the photographer and the cameraman should show creativity and originality, be quick and apt at their job and be able to capture your personal moments in perfection so that you will be satisfied with the results.