General information
The truth is that from the moment you decide to get married entails a lot of preparation and planning for your impending wedding which means a lot of running around for you. The wedding and the preparations will continuously prey on your mind, every little detail will occupy your thoughts including your appearance on the big day and of course hoping your guests will have a pleasing and enjoyable day to be remembered.
The bride always has more work than the groom. The bride has to choose the most flattering wedding dress, accessories, make-up and hairstyle, shoes and lingerie for the occasion. She will also have to organize the decorations for the church and reception including the flower arrangements for the church and decoration of the bridal car and of course help the best man choose the Bonbonnieres, the wedding wreaths, the wedding candles and many other details. Many times the groom does not participate in these preparations thinking that it is a task solely for the bride who has more knowledge and taste on such matters. However, this is a mistaken view. It is in fact the couples’ job to organize all the wedding details together. The groom can also help his future bride to choose the correct wedding dress, make-up and hairstyle (even though the custom of not seeing the bride in her wedding dress until the wedding day exists still).
For those planning on getting married must know that to organize a successful wedding it must portray the couples’ personality, style and lifestyle overall, that it entails good planning and taking on the right professionals for the job and generally having devoted people by your side (parents, siblings, relatives, friends) who will help you to make the best choices and will not pose any stress or problems for you by imposing their own views.
We hope this brief article has helped you in your own planning of your wedding by giving you some ideas and tips for your big day. Above all you must be yourself, do not allow what is fashionable and in to dictate the style of your wedding as you do not turn up looking totally unlike yourselves so as not to be recognizes by your relatives and friend. Pay emphasis to the quality and not quantity. Make it a day of personal expression and love and not another fancy social event.
Enjoy yourselves!