Invitations – thank-you notes
After you have decided on the guest list you must decide on the invitations. To decide what type of invitation flick through some wedding magazines to give yourself an idea of the different types available or ask to see different styles at a printers. If you are creative and artistic you might like to design one for yourself.
Prefer paper to cotton or flax fibers. Select a medium size and choose the color which is usually an off white, white or beige color. The fonts are many (classical, penmanship and many more modern styles), choose one that you like. The content of the invitation will announce that you are getting married and wish that the person concerned is invited to attend. The information which is obligatory is the church in which you are to be married, its address, the date and time of the ceremony, the reception and address, the name of the bride and groom, the names of their families and the name of the best man. In a footnote, you can ask if someone wants to attend the reception to inform you prior to the date shown.
The envelope should be the same size as the invitation. The name of the recepient should appear on the right side of the envelope in blue or black pen.
The invitations can be mailed or hand delivered. If you choose to mail them, be aware that the costs are shared by the families of the bride and groom. Of course if your guests are computer literate, you can send them the invite via e-mail (most economical and fast).
The matter of the invitations can be a very tedious job. Do it with lots of love and effort, remember that your wedding invitation will be the first official document that you and your beloved will do as an official couple.
Giving Thanks
After the wedding and after the successful reception and when you have opened your gifts it is appropriate to send a thank you card to your guests for their lovely gift and kind wishes. It is also a way of you showing your appreciation of them honoring your wedding by their presence.
The thank you card should be similar to the color of the wedding invitation.
Usually a few simple words of thanks is common. Of course you might want to write something more personal. Write what you think best fits the moment.
The thank you card must be sent after you have opened the gifts of your guests. If someone was very generous and gave you an expensive gift or a valuable sum of money you may want to thank him in particular words. However remember that it is not the gift that counts but the actual gesture so the same message of thanks and gratitude can be applied to all guests.