The bouquet
The bouquet you choose should match your wedding dress, and the church flower arrangements. The bouquet will be given to you upon your arrival at the church by the groom. When the church ceremony is over and usually at the reception the bride usually throws the bouquet to her assembled single female friends. It is said by this custom that who ever catches the bouquet will be next in line to get married. The bride may however wish to keep the bouquet as a memento from her, in this case its best to have another made up for the custom of throwing the bouquet.
There are three bouquet styles you can choose from.
The round shaped bouquet is of course round in shape with less greenery. The flowers are arranged tightly together. It usually consists of roses and is hand-tied with a ribbon, the cascade is shaped like a waterfall with more flowers on the top and some flowers that can be seen flowing downwards and it is blended with some greenery.
The hand-tied bouquet is a bunch of flowers loosely tied together to show the stems.
Traditionally most brides prefer a white bouquet, but nowadays they tend to choose darker colors and a bouquet arranged in a unique fashion. White and red roses, violets, white chrysanthemums, lilies, lotus, red camellias, dual colored carnations, rose petals and exotic flowers combined with green leaves or fruit highlighted in glitter and tied with ribbons and bow are some very nice combinations.
Ask to see the various styles of bouquets at the florists. The cheapest solution is a bouquet of roses, hand tied with a ribbon and bow. If you are getting married in winter choose a bouquet in warm colors such as red, crimson and dark green. If you are planning on having your wedding in summer then you can have your bouquet arranged in lighter colors and pastal shades.
The bouquet that you will choose must suit the style and color of the wedding dress and generally the style of the overall wedding. If your dress has a long tail then a cascade type bouquet will suit this style perfectly, whereas a shorter dress will suit a smaller and round bouquet and a long slender will suit a large hand-tied bouquet of flowers or perhaps a single long flower.
Be sure that your bouquet of flowers also matches your figure. If you are tall and slim then you can hold a cascade arrangement, whereas if you are petite a round bouquet would be perfect. The shape of your body and the bouquet will be balanced, thus creating the perfect look. The round bouquet does not suit women with big hips as this will further emphasize them.
You will look fresh and natural on your wedding day when you carry a hand-tied wedding bouquet because the flowers look like they have just being picked from the garden. It is better to choose a simple bouquet that will enhance your beauty.